Build a Bubble-Powered Rocket! Build your own rocket using paper and fizzing tablets! Watch it lift off. How high does your rocket go? Print this page for the instructions. Suggestion: Find a grown-up to do this activity with you. Materials: Paper, regular 8-1/2- by 11-inch paper, such as computer printer paper or even notebook paper. Plastic 35-mm film canister (see hints below) Cellophane tape Scissors Effervescing (fizzing) antacid tablet (the kind used to settle an upset stomach) Paper towels Water Eye protection (like eye glasses, sun glasses, or safety glasses) Hints: The film canister MUST be one with a cap that fits INSIDE the rim instead of over the outside of the rim. Sometimes photography shops have extras of these and will be happy to donate some for such a worthy cause. Keep in mind: Just like with real rockets, the less your rocket weighs and the less air resistance (drag) it has, the higher it will go. Making the Rocket You must first decide how to cut your paper. ...
Get your Gummy Greenhouse Gases! Got gumdrops? Then you can build models of molecules. Molecules are tiny structures that make up just about all matter—including you! Molecules themselves are made of atoms, the basic building blocks of matter. Using just four kinds of atoms as building blocks, you can construct many different types of molecules. In this project, you will build models of some gas molecules. These kinds of gas molecules are part of the air. They are called greenhouse gases. We will explain why later. For now, get ready for some gummy fun! You will need: Gumdrops, any size, four different colors. These atoms are usually modeled using red for oxygen, white for hydrogen, gray for carbon, and blue for nitrogen. However, some of these colors are mighty hard to find in gumdrops. So use any colors you like. Here's how many you will need of each (but don't forget to get extras for sneaking into your mouth): Red: 13 White: 7 G...